Interdisciplinarity and the Academic Approach to “Informal” Social Habitat: Foundations, Lines of Action and Obstacles Associated with the Architecture Program


  • Miguel Ángel Barreto Universidad Nacional del Nordeste


The debate on poverty that took place in Latin America in the 90´s left its mark on the official approaches to the problem of informal social habitat. There were two central concepts developed by the social sciences in order to characterize the problem and base this approach; multidimensionality and heterogeneity of poverty. These notions lead, in turn, to a multisectorial approach which stated the need to integrate within social policies, physical aspects of the habitat along with other aspects involved in the problem. This paper deals with the interdisciplinary approach that this new conception demands from the technical teams operating the policies and the deficient professional training that in this regard architecture students receive in Argentina. The empirical basis for this article is the teaching experience developed at the FAU-UNNE and its objective is to contribute with concepts and action lines to acknowledge the need for an interdisciplinary approach to this problem (as well as many others) in the career of architecture as well as other careers taking part in these policies.

Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Barreto, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

(Argentino, 44 años) Arquitecto (UNNE), Magíster y Doctorando en Antropología Social (UNaM). Docente e Investigador Categoría II en el Programa de Incentivos a la Investigación. Profesor Adjunto de Sociología Urbana y Desarrollo Urbano, y Profesor libre en Arquitectura V "B", Facultad de Arquitectura, UNNE, Argentina. Integrante del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Vivienda (IIDVi) y del Instituto de Planeamiento Urbano y Regional (IPUR), FAUUNNE. Director del Proyecto de investigación: "Hábitat, Gestión Participativa y Pobreza. Desarrollo de estudios y pautas programáticas para una política habitacional integral del AMGR (Chaco, Argentina)", SGCyTUNNE.