About the Journal

Focus and scope

Cinta de Moebio publishes scientific articles and essays on epistemology of social science. It is published three times a year and receives papers at all times in Spanish and English.

The evaluation system for peer review is double blind, this implies that the identity of the authors is not connected to peers, and the authors are not told the identity of the peer reviewers. The evaluation process typically takes two months.

It is an open access journal that aims to bring together academics who develop their research in the domain of philosophy of social science in a broad sense, without exclusions or thematic perspectives. Traditionally with a interest in the Spanish-American region but it is open to the international community as a whole.

The editorial experience of the magazine indicates that some academics send articles of philosophy, but of issues that are not related to the social sciences, as well as academics who sent the results of their research or projects in the social sciences, but its focus is not epistemology, which also are geared out to the purpose of the journal. The journal, put it in some way, it is in the dialogue of philosophy with social science and, therefore, both domains must be present in the articles. It is published continuously since 1997.


Three times a year (March, September, December)