The role of emotions and affects in the production of habitat and territory


  • Luis Campos Medina University of Chile
  • Rebeca Silva Roquefort University of Chile
  • Mariela Gaete Reyes University of Chile


The collection of articles in this special issue of Revista INVI shows us that the question of affects and emotions has a wide range within habitat and territory studies. It is put into play in the analysis of diverse phenomena: in the study of place attachment and the meaning of inhabited space, but also in struggles over heritage, territorial stigmatization, informality, urbanrural migrations and the government of others.

Author Biographies

Luis Campos Medina, University of Chile

Housing Institute, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile

Rebeca Silva Roquefort, University of Chile

Housing Institute, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile

Mariela Gaete Reyes, University of Chile

Housing Institute, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Chile


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