
Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 

Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Form follows management: new guidelines in today’s practice of architecture


  • Humberto Eliash Díaz


The author reformulates Louis Sullivan famous adage: as a result of the pragmatism that followed the turn of the century, the form has now got new generators. Humberto Eliash systematizes four variables of management that influence the shape of an architectural project: the nature of the client, the type of assignment, the economic context, and the means of financing the project.


Management, architecture and assignments, End of postmodernism, Design methodologies, Institutional architecture