
Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 

Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Design and manufacture for 2030 : competing within globalization 3.0


  • Francisco Valdés Georgia Institute of Technology. Student School of Architecture


The dynamic scenario in the field of manufacturing is being induced not only by direct advances in the manufacturing technology, but also in the development and maturation of global collaborative platforms such as social networking and e-business. This article explores these platforms in order to venture a basic set of competences to face the possible design and manufacturing challenges for 2030. The study was focused on three factors of development: information technology, public policies that favour the productive world, and productive communities or «makers». Subsequently, the factors studied are rationalized in a list of competences, which are elucidated and aimed at new challenges described further on at the end of this article.


Digital manufacturing, Design colaboration, Information technology, Public policy