Avarus felix or pauper beatus? Moral conceptions in Juvenal’s XIV Satire


  • Mateo Moreno Galeano Universidad del Valle


This paper proposes an analysis of Juvenal’s XIV Satire based on the expressions avarus felix and pauper beatus, which shape a relevant dilemma to the interpretation of the Satire. First, I will evaluate avarus felix, looking to show that, besides being an incompatibility, it holds the notion of egestas, which would lower the individual to the moral quality of a slave. Second, I will point out that along the Satire XIV several pictures show individuals under that very conception of needed beings, so that no matter how much they show themselves publicly as free romans, in a moral level they are quite the contrary. Finally, I will evaluate pauper beatus and explain that true wealth is not the indiscriminate amassing of goods but sufficiency achieved through those owned. Thus, the relation shown by Juvenal between morality and wealth would be mediated by the ideas of sufficiency and necessity.


Juvenal, satire, poverty, greed, happiness


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