The training and instruction of public employees for the use of social networks and digital tools: a case study of the public administration school of Catalonia


  • Jesús Palomar Baget Escuela de Administración Pública de Cataluña y Universidad de Barcelona


In recent years social technologies have broken into society: in personal relationships, in the private sector and the public sector. The use of social networks and digital tools by the public sector is being carried out in an incremental manner and for various purposes: communication, proximity, participation, transparency, open government, etc. The role of public employees in the use of these new tools is vital to achieve the objectives set, with training and training the main way to do it. This article focuses on the case study of the training center for civil servants in the Spanish region of Catalonia and the different training activities and strategies at different government employees from both the regional government of Catalonia and the Catalan local administrations, social networks and digital tools are used in corporate mode and meeting the objectives of the respective institutions.


Training, social networks, digital tools, cloud computing, public administration


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