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Developing self-regulation in English pedagogy students with a focus on the oral ability during the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Yasmina Contreras Soto Universidad de Concepción
  • René Oportus Torres Universidad de Concepción
  • Cristian Sanhueza Campos Universidad de Concepción
  • Jorge Maluenda Albornoz Universidad de Concepción


The main goal of this study was to promote the development of self-regulated learning by means of an intracurricular intervention through the English language class with a focus on the oral ability during Covid-19 pandemic. A pre-experimental design with pre and posttest, and intentional sampling, was carried out on a group of 60 English pedagogy students from a Chilean university. The 10-week innovation included the use of ICT tools and active methodologies. The pre and posttest evaluations assessed students’ levels of engagement and self-regulation. The results showed statistically significant differences in self-regulated learning. No statistically significant differences were observed in engagement. Additionally, the results also showed an increase in students’ oral command perception, in both the linguistic and socio-affective aspects of their performance. It was concluded that the use of these intracurricular strategies facilitated students’ self-regulation and aspects of oral production over the course of an academic semester.

Palabras clave:

Self-regulation, Engagement, Oral skills, Covid-19 pandemic, English pedagogy


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