Self-regulation, strategies and self-motivation in the learning process
Claudia Herczeg
Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros con Propósitos Específicos Escuela Superior de Idiomas - Universidad Nacional del Comahue Buenos Aires
Mónica Lapegna
Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros con Propósitos Específicos Escuela Superior de Idiomas - Universidad Nacional del Comahue Buenos Aires
Self-regulation, defined as the conscious process of observation and control of our own thinking processes, determines to a large extent whether a specific learning task is successful or not. A major aspect in self-regulated earning is the ability to develop and apply suitable strategies for each specific learning purpose. This, in turn, is directly influenced by motivational factors. The aim of this paper is to examine the theoretical concepts that underlying self-regulation, strategies and motivation so as to describe how they are interrelated and in what ways they influence the learning process.
Herczeg, C., & Lapegna, M. (2010). Self-regulation, strategies and self-motivation in the learning process. Lenguas Modernas, (35), Pág. 9–19. Retrieved from