The discursive function of Extra-vocalisation attribution meanings is approached from the standpoint of Strategic Discourse Analysis (Menéndez 1997), within the framework of the Engagement system as understood by Appraisal Theory (Martin 2000, White 2001, 2003; Martin y White 2005; Hood y Martin 2005). This theoretical perspective complements and enhances previous research on the interpersonal metafunction of language (Butler 2003; Halliday 1970, 1988; Halliday y Matthiessen 2004). The paper aims to determine in what ways Attribution meanings contribute to the interpersonal function and the strategic performance of a particular serie discursiva (Menéndez 1997) within the legal genre. The serie “ciclo lectivo anual mínimo” is made up of four texts: the “Convenio MECyT” (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Agreement No. 337/03) Nº 337/03, the “Declaraciones C.F.C y E” (Federal Council of Science and Education Declarations) Nº 05/04 and 06/05 and the “Resolución CFE” (Federal Council of Education Resolution) Nº 94/10 The findings allow us to describe the linguistic resources of Attribution and account for their different discursive functions vis-àvis the discursive genre.
Serpa, C. (2011). Extra-vocalisation attribution meanings in the legal genre: realization and discursive function devices. Lenguas Modernas, (37), Pág. 75–108. Retrieved from