This paper suggests links betwveen macro- and micro-level phenomena like employment and consumption trends on the one hand, and on the other the details of one-on-one communication, be it oral or multimodal. The globalization of recent discourse trends originating in the world of large business corporations is spurred by sociopolitical conditions created by institutional, provincial or national decisión making. Knowledge about the effects of grammatical structures, interactional mechanisms, conversational synchrony, and visual semiosis is systematically applied by, local and transnational organizations and institutions. The calculated application of various resources (polarity questions, semantic presuppositions, inclusive 'we' and svmpathetic performative utterances) will be shown in call centers training manuals, while material from a university school`s institutional web page will illuslrate the discussion on the appropriation and naturalization of the discourse and the aesthetics of marketing.
Carranza, I. (2017). Globalized discourse trends in local context. Lenguas Modernas, (32), 7–23. Retrieved from