Beliefs and attitudes of speakers from madrid towards the chilean linguistic variety



This investigation, developed in the framework of the Proyecto para el estudio de las creencias y actitudes hacia las variedades del español en el siglo XXI (PRECAVES XXI), sets forth the main results on the beliefs and attitudes of the speakers of Madrid towards the Chilean linguistic variety. The methodology from the project was applied to a stratified sample made up of 144 speakers of the Community of Madrid (Spain) and concluded that speakers of this community identify the Chilean accent with difficulty, and that they feel that the variety from Chile is quite distant with respect to their own variety of language. However, the beliefs and attitudes toward the Chilean variety are not negative and, in relation to certain aspects, it is considered better than even their own variety. Social factors do not seem to have effect neither over the recognition nor the assessment of the variety, even if the Chilean accent is better recognized in free spoken speech than in the written language, and in masculine voices than in feminine ones.


Linguistic attitudes, Varieties of Spanish, Chilean variety of language, Castilian variety, PRECAVES XX

Author Biographies

Ana M. Cestero Mancera, Universidad de Alcalá

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Ana M. Cestero Mancera (

Florentino Paredes García, Universidad de Alcalá

Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Florentino Paredes García (


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