El rol de la literatura inglesa en los programas de pedagogía en inglés en Santiago de Chile


  • Gabriel Romero Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello


The present study aims to explore the role of English literature in some English pedagogy programs in Santiago de Chile. It does so by conducting surveys with programs directors, literature teachers, and students of English pedagogy programs that have taken at least one English literature course. The survey contains questions about the role, benefits, and objectives of literature in English pedagogy programs. The literary review in this study covers experiences from several countries around the world to see if the attitudes and experiences regarding literature in EFL teaching are similar as the results found in the surveys conducted for this present study. The results show that literature, both in Chile and internationally, is often seen as a useful tool to acquire the four skills but it is rarely studied for its intrinsic aesthetic values. The study also reveals that most students believe that more optional courses should be available in their programs for students who are interested.