In this research the knowledge that Basic Education students have about written expression was analyzed, based on their own testimonies. This study involved 24 students of the same educational level (Primary Education), but from different school years (8 students from the 2nd school year, 8 students from the 4th and 8 students from the 6th, all of them of 8, 10 and 12 years old, approximately). To obtain the data it was used a semi-organized cognitive interview, via a guide-questionnaire. In order to interpret them, the “content analysis” was used. Furthermore, with the help of the statistical program SPSS the tendencies, relations and differences between the groups were compared. The participants stated that they had greater skills in some specific operations, although the results were not meaningful with some exceptions. In this sense, in the review and auto-regulation revealed testimonial improvements, but in the planning in which they showed non-significant light progress and in the transcription in which they expressed having evolved in half of their constituent operations. Anyway, shy progress declared by students in written expression skills was paralyzed in the 4th school year, with no differences between the students of this year and the students of the 6th school year.
writing expression, writing, learning of the writing expression, evolution of the writing skills, writing difficulties
Gallego Ortega, J. L., & Rodríguez Fuentes, A. (2021). Representations of elementary school students about writing task. Lenguas Modernas, (56), pp. 105–125. Retrieved from